Sonnax Chrysler A904 Front Pump Bushing 5 Pack A500 42RE 42RH Automatic Transmission

OPT Product Code: SNX-12502-01
Sonnax Chrysler A904 Front Pump Bushing 5 Pack A500 42RE 42RH Automatic Transmission

Product Details

Excessive converter hub to front pump bushing clearance can result in code 38,35, TCC complaints and front seal leakage. The Sonnax pump bushing 12502-01 will restore the clearance necessary for proper operation. The original Chrysler bushing is machined in place, allowing Chrysler to use a wider tolerance on its pump housing diameters. This wide tolerance is problematic to the rebuilder since it results in a wide clearance range when aftermarket bushings are used. Current aftermarket bushings allow too much clearance for most pump assemblies, allowing on average 10 times more oil loss than the Sonnax design because of excess clearance between the pump bushing and the converter hub. The Sonnax bushings should be used when the housing diameter is greater then 1.6175", which will be in most cases.

Sonnax Chrysler A904 Front Pump Bushing 5 Pack A500 42RE 42RH Automatic Transmission

OPT Product Code: SNX-12502-01

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